Now, with v.1.18, you can send your memos or notes per email or sms.


verion 1.17: Fixed the strange behavior by deleting an item when the task list “overflows” its visible size.

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The App used to handle user-defined categories as one. That was caused by a piece of code i carelessly left in the App. I am so sorry about that! Unfortunately, the old entries can’t be fixed programmly. If you don’t have any notes attached to the category, please delete the category manuelly and input it again. It will function properly after that. However, if you do have notes attached to the category that you’d like to keep,please insert a new category name and use the new one from there on. Later i will make it possible to move notes among categories and then you can move the notes and delete the old one.

This only applies to user-defined categories. Categories came with the programm are and will be working fine.

Another bug was an encoding problem occurred after i moved the project form ubuntu to mac os. Since version 1.08, new installations will force close because of this. It is fixed in version 1.11.

Sorry again for the inconvenience. Btw, sending me a bug report really helps a lot for me to find and fix bugs. So, please do it! Thanks.

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Posted: 2011/03/30 in Updated Features

I am working on

Posted: 2011/03/29 in Wish List

multi-language support.

Date/Time/Repeat Picker

Posted: 2011/03/28 in Tutorials

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  • fixed a bug in date/time picker
  • auto hiding soft keyboard to show a picker
  • made the picker buttons larger than they used to be
  • long click on picker button add or subtract 10 to/from current value

Screenshots are here.

Just worked out this simple widget on home screen with scheduled events for the current day, direct access to open the app, to add a task and to write a memo. Enjoy!

I am working on

Posted: 2011/03/26 in Wish List

adding the todo list to desktop.

Report a Bug

Posted: 2011/03/24 in Bug Report

Your Wish List

Posted: 2011/03/24 in Wish List

Fixed Bugs

Posted: 2011/03/24 in Bug Report

version 1.05 fixed bugs in editing a task

version 1.04 fixed bugs in calculator

version 1.03 fixed bugs in deleting tasks


Input Track Value

Posted: 2011/03/24 in Tutorials

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To track an event, you have to check the track-box when you first create the event. You can’t change an untracked event to be tracked. An untracked event won’t show the track button on the ToDo list.

Note that the track function does not support tracking negative value. The calculator does not take a negative value as an operand nor as the final result. If you in put 3-5, it will give a result of -2, but you can neither do -2+3 nor save -2 as track value.

The time<–>number tool only delivers a proximate result. This tool is only for your convenience. The app takes your entry in both formats. You can either input 8.5 or 8:30 as you like, the app always store it as 8.5.

Mark a Task as Finished

Posted: 2011/03/24 in Tutorials

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  • Wherever you click on the check-button in Cobblestone, you mark the task as finished.
  • Simple tasks without track nor repeat have their check-buttons right there on the task list.
  • Tasks that repeat can’t be marked as finished. You can set a due date to it instead.
  • You can hide a task that you are tracking by click twice on the eye-button. It will hide for the current date or the specified date on the calendar daily view.
  • To mark a tracked task as finished, click on the task to open the task view and click the check-button twice.
  • Finished tasks won’t show on the task list any more, but they are stored in the database. Later version of Cobblestone will enable review, editing and exporting finished tasks.

Add a Memo

Posted: 2011/03/23 in Tutorials

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